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Hotel Balaji International
Guest house no-2, Airport gate, Gurudwara Lane, Jessore Road, 700081
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¿Qué ofrece este lugar?
Servicios y comodidades
Acceso a Internet
¡Wi-Fi gratis en todas las habitaciones!
¿Dónde dormirás?
16 m²
Classic Room
1 double bed
Deluxe Room
1 double bed
16 m²
Classic Room
16 m²
Classic Room
Deluxe Room
Deluxe Room
1 double bed
Deluxe Room
1 double bed
Executive Room
Day use Room from 9 AM to 6 PM (check-in and check-out on same day)
Day use Room from 9 AM to 6 PM (check-in and check-out on same day)
Hotel Balaji International
Calcuta, India
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