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Shima No Hikari GA Ayanasu Uminoyado Hagoromosou
Oki Islands
2213 Tsuma, 685-0104
Calificado por Huéspedes
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¡Wi-Fi gratis en todas las habitaciones!
¿Dónde dormirás?
12 m²
Ocean view 8 tatami mats 2nd floor [with toilet and washroom] [Japanese room] [Non-smoking] [Nigh...
16 m²
Ocean view 10 tatami mats 1st floor [with toilet and washroom] [Japanese room] [Non-smoking] [Nig...
12 m²
Ocean view 8 tatami mats 2nd floor with toilet and Japanese Nightlife view Ocean view Room
35 m²
22 tatami mats 1st floor with unit bath toilet and Japanese Nightlife view Ocean view Room
16 m²
Ocean view 10 tatami mats 1st floor with toilet and Japanese Nightlife view Ocean view Room
¿Qué dicen otros huéspedes sobre este hotel?
Shima No Hikari GA Ayanasu Uminoyado Hagoromosou
Oki Islands, Japón
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